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What Are All These MacGyver Equations?
For the first episode of Season 4 (Fire + Ashes + Legacy = Phoenix). It starts off with all the members of the team from the Phoenix foundation doing their own thing. Riley does computer support, and Bozer is making a movie — but MacGyver has picked up a job as some type of adjunct lecturer at a university.
OK, let’s go ahead and talk about this academic position. Could Angus be a professor? Probably not. For most institutions, a professor would be a tenure-track position (able to earn tenure). This includes the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor (full professor). In all of these cases, you would a terminal degree in your field of study — so that would be a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) for a science course. MacGyver doesn’t have a PhD (remember, he dropped out of MIT).
It’s possible to teach a course with a Master’s Degree or even some graduate credits. The common rule is 15 course hours at the graduate level. MacGyver might have these credits. It’s also possible that some universities make exceptions on a temporary basis for exceptional cases (like MacGyver).
Now we can get on to the equations on the board. I’m going to start from left and work my way right.
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